You are right - ever these passwords and pincodes.
If you forgot your passwords you can easily request your passwords for your FILEBOX
Please fill out the form to request your passwords. You will get promtly your password information to your main FILEBOX e-mail adress.
Your password request will be verified.
The delivery of your passwords could only take place if all given information are right.
On this site you can request your FILEBOX-password:
Only FILEBOX-owners can request their password.
If you need a password for sending to an FILEBOX please contact the corresponding FILEBOX-owner.
Password for * project user
e-mail *
Your name
(Admins only)
Attention! The e-Mail adress must be the same as the registration e-mail adress.
After LOGIN to your registered FILEBOX you are able to change your passwords if you want. Klick to "configuration" and than to "customize" to change your passwords.